Goldeneye Solutions
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Bringing technology and people together
"The life that is unexamined is not worth living." --Plato

Company Profile

What we can offer your business.
Goldeneye Solutions provides innovative IT solutions for small and growing businesses within the Montreal area. Find out how your company can profit by contacting Goldeneye Solutions. We offer:

News and Events

Company news, events and projects announcements.
Marketing Intern
March 15, 2012
Arrow We are looking for a marketing intern for the summer of 2012! Earn experience and money with a fun summer job.
details »
Now hiring!
September 4, 2011
Arrow We are looking for a web developer to join the team! details »

Featured Clients

Who do we work with?
This project is an example of a typical business scenario. Technologia had a small in-house solution for managing their business but were looking for a more flexible and friendly system. We proposed and delivered a web based system well suited to their business needs. They now manage their inventory, training courses and book orders through a centralized and easily accessible system.

Featured Services

Recent company offers and activities.
Retail Promotion
July 1, 2011
Free consulting for retail stores. details »
GOL Network
May 10, 2011
Our first product is online and making a difference. details »